Joel O'Brien
Joel O’Brien spent his childhood milking cows at dawn, playing football at dusk, and causing trouble with his brothers in his free time. He has now replaced milking cows with late night shifts spent at the office. Joel proudly spends his time watching his children play on the field. He also enjoys riding a casual sixty mile bike ride when he gets the chance. Joel is a man of faith and exudes his beliefs through his actions and words daily. Joel’s devotion to his wife and children speaks volumes to his character. He is at every Friday night football game, art gallery showing, and is attentive to them 24/7. To know Joel is to love him and his humor.

My Favorite Quote or Poem by Mother Teresa:
“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
Who is someone you admire and why?
I greatly admire Mother Teresa for how she carries herself and all the work she did to change the world. I am inspired by her words of wisdom and often find myself relying on her example to live a good life. It is rare to find an individual who devotes their entire life to serve others at the hand of God. Mother Teresa is an inspiration to me.
What are you happiest doing, when you’re not working?
I am happiest spending time with my family whether that is over a meal, watching football, or a game of cards. I value any opportunity I can to engage my family in an activity together.
What would be your personal motto?
I often find myself saying “It’s fine” to my family which results in an eye roll. I believe that I am incredibly blessed with a wonderful family and successful business so I find that any problem I am presented with is never as bad as it seems. Anything is possible with the grace of God at hand.