Need some quick guidance on USPS postal regulations? We have a USPS Postcard Mailing Safe Area Template that will help you figure out where the barcodes and addresses are going to go. This area described is for the minimum requirement. You will notice there is very little room on the back of the 6″x4″ postcard with the required safe area by the United States Postal Service for automated rates.
Click on the image below for a downloadable PDF guide on the current mailing requirements.
USPS Postcard Mailing Safe Area Template
Below is a great cheat file for graphic designers. Simply place this PDF in the lower right hand corner of your postcard file and design around the safe area. If your items folds down and then folds, place this file on the fold edges, otherwise just place it in the lower right hand corner of your page edge. This is just for the minimum space required by barcoded items going through the post office.